quinta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2008

An Odd Week

It has been an odd week, this week. Marco left, the same day that Miguel moved house, the same day that Tiago went to the North. Suddenly I felt very alone. To top it off, the landlord has called to say that I need to tell her whether I am staying or not because there is a girl who wants my room. So all these things came at once and I was feeling rather blue and lost. Mum and Dad arrived for the weekend and it went fantastic. I think it was very hot for them but we took it easy and I showed them the usual nooks and crannies... markets, tinatercia's, Tram 28... we took the boat across the river one night for some HUGE prawns, and the view coming back from the rvier, of Lisbon shimmering gold in the night..puff, it made my heart burst. This is my new city! I cannot believe it. They stayed in a Brazillian-themed hotel and we all cuddles up in one big bed to snooze! I miss them now. Marco (Genova) has been my life-saver this week and he has not only helped me to look at some new rooms but he's occupied me too... we have been to the Aqueduct, a great exploration to the Monsantz park, to Costa de Caparica, to Tejo Bar... all this time chattering away in Portuguese and making me laugh. He goes on the 3rd September and again I will feel lost when he goes...but he says he is coming back. Like I say he introduced me to Tejo bar, which is infamous in Alfama. It reminds me of Ian through and through. It is a small basic room filled with sheet-music, guitars, drums, chess sets, books on everything from Egon Schielle to Coffee. At about 12.30 Mane, the Brazillian owner, closes the door and people gather around for the nightly poem-reading and song-singing session. It is like home.
OK guys that is all for this one. Sorry i don't have my usual energy.
Lots of love
Lotty xxxxxxxxx

2 comentários:

Mercoledì disse...

Beijinhos da Italia...I hope you will feel better as soon as possible!!!
Fazes-me falta Lotty!

Marco disse...

Ola Lotty! Ainda obrigado para a prenda que me lembrarà de ti e para tudo o que fizeste para mim nestes dias! Até jà e nao tenhas saudade de ninguém, porque agora é o teu tempo e es tu a protagonista, bom Erasmus e boa Lisboa!
